JCSA LS 6-7 Wet Well Repairs and Coatings

Client Type: Municipal

Location: James City County

Warren Product Type: 301-14

Description: James City County Authority awarded ECI an annual manhole and wet well coating contract. Under this contract ECI was asked to rehabilitate the wet well at lift station 6-7. ECI was able to effectively assist JCSA with the complete rehabilitation of the wet well including the conversion of all metal pipe to HDPE, application of new wet well coatings, and the installation of FRP platforms and ladders. As a result, the life expectancy of the wet well at lift station 6-7, as well as every other structure coated by ECI under this annual JCSA contract is a minimum of 75+ years. Saving the municipality money and time for many years to come.

wet well repairs and coatings james city county virginia
wet well repairs and coatings james city county virginia
wet well repairs and coatings james city county virginia
wet well repairs and coatings james city county virginia